• Member Since 20th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen July 9th


Just some hidden brony with a s***load of ideas. Also available for assassinations (Not really, Deadpool does that.)

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Comments ( 61 )
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2423253 Eh... trying to figure out life.

2423225 workibg on my sotres, you?

Thank you for enjoying "Why Me?" and adding it to your favorites!

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I'm Not Good · 9:56pm Jul 10th, 2015

I think my crossovers have been interesting, but I've got a brand new project I'd like to tackle.

It's an original flavor HiE fanfic, where our Protagonist, named Jesse Lee, comes to Equestria, and decides he wants to start being a villain.

Some background info on this guy, not needed to enjoy the story, but is helpful regardless.

He's from the Canadian-Alaskan Border, and his profession is gunsmithing and being a car-mechanic.

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