• Member Since 8th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Salted Pingas

I salt mah pingas over nine thousaaaaand times in ten seconds flat.

Latest Stories

A List of the Salted Pingas One-Shots

-If you Give a Pony a Pretzel

-If you Give a Griffon a Gogurt

-Salted Pingas Directs a Pony Porno

-If you Give a Zebra a Zebra Cake

If they don't have a link to the story then they haven't been written yet.

Comments ( 112 )
  • Viewing 108 - 112 of 112

This is a test ♂♀

What did the soldier's baby say after he was born?

Thank you for your cervix

Being bored is worse when you're drunk

  • Viewing 108 - 112 of 112
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Wow it has been a while, but... · 5:39am Jul 14th, 2023

...I think I've come to a satisfying conclusion to the next chapter. I just finished the rough draft and am about to go to sleep. I'll do a final run through tomorrow and then The Siege of Oasis Springs will finally be f:pinkiegasp:king ready!