• Member Since 9th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 27th, 2020

Prince Solstice

My dick maybe large, but really only in your heads. I'm quite the average guy, from day to day life, I seek answers only to get more questions. And yes, I am that guy who fucks mothers.


Hello to all (YO! Riffers, I need back into the loop) · 4:35pm Mar 20th, 2014

Well I'm back from my visit to the psyche ward. My meds are anti-depression (which releases high levels of serotonin) and anti-anxiety (which relaxes my muscles a lot). Lets put it to you this way, I'm taking meds that get me high without THC. Oh and guess what, they actually work. I'm not having terrible mood swings, they level me out (well sort of), and the suicidal thoughts are all gone. In fact being in the psyche ward built up a lot of confidence just from the amount of people you meet in

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Read these if ya want.

Comments ( 165 )
  • Viewing 161 - 165 of 165

Do you write anymore old friend?

do you even pony any more? cause this is the first time i am back in months!?

975929 However I did co-write this one with RD. RD sexes a laptop

975929 It wasn't like these those. It's more of RD as a lamp, spying on friends sort of thing.

  • Viewing 161 - 165 of 165
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