• Member Since 30th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 30th, 2023


Writer for a small group of fans, and slow updater.


Anyone Alive? No? · 11:25pm Oct 9th, 2016

Just me? Well, alright then.
Just a heads up, I'm active on Archive of Our Own (AO3) which is a separate fanfiction site, and I've started a fic that I'm incredibly dedicated to finishing.
It's not MLP (erh ma gersh) cause I've kinda grown away from Ponies as of recently.
For anyone Interested, it's a RWBY Fanfic. And like I said, I'm incredibly dedicated to it and unlike Starting Over, I Will finish this.

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Report CrystalHero97 · 425 views · Story: Starting Over ·
Comments ( 161 )
  • Viewing 157 - 161 of 161

1744032 Haha no shit man.
Re-reading all the Starting Over stories as well. Pretty good if I do say so myself.

For once I'm glad I was wrong :)

Dude, you remember early Starting Over days when the story had a low like-dislike ratio? When people didn't exactly like it?

Well now look at it! I fucking told you it would pick up

Thanks for the fave on Viva Las Pegasus!

1076961 I like your stories. Hey Want to check out a story called Ace Combat: Divided Feelings?

  • Viewing 157 - 161 of 161
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