Possible Fallout Equestria after Praetorians Duty · 8:17pm May 1st, 2019
Keep your eyes and ears open for a FoE story from yours truly, of course it will happen after I finish up A Praetorians Duty . It will take sometime but it will be made and it will be one of the rather lengthy stories among the FoE stories, possible only topped by the monster that is FoE: Project Horizons. (Somber was an absolute unit for that.) I'll be keeping the story under wraps for now and will slowly release information about it as the story is written (again, only after A
Thanks for actively following "Shadows Can Be Friendly"
Here's a cute picture of Luna:
Well thank you very kindly for the favourite, any comments/insults/critiques?
Thanks for the fave on CMC Changeling Protectors and for the follow!
Thanks for the fave.
954279 Yeah. That song always depresses me but it's a really good song and the PMV is good, too