• Member Since 21st Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I'm an old-school MLP fan, glad the new show is doing great.


Update and apologies · 12:26pm February 12th

Dear followers, readers, passers by.

Hi. Sorry for disappearing and not posting anything for a bit, either on the blog or story-wise. It's been... rough in real-life for me.

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Fan-created content

Live reading of 'Ill Communication', part one
Live reading of 'Ill Communication', part two
Fanart of Queen Rosedust from 'The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds'
Fanart of Morning Glory, normal and discorded, from 'The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds'
Goodreads section for 'Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds'
Master post of live-readings for 'The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds'
Live reading of 'Day of the Broken Fang'
Review of 'The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds' by Cerulean Voice. Originally rated 7.5 out of ten, dropped to six out of ten.
Master post for live-readings of 'Twilight the Terrible'
Review of 'Twilight the Terrible' by PaulAsaran. rated "Worth it".
Review of 'Twilight the Terrible' by the Pleasant Commentator and Review Group. 'Must Read'.
Short review of 'Game of Thrones: Alicorn Style
Words Are Words podcast Master list
Master list of all live-reads for 'Dinner with the Folks
Review for 'Where No Pony Has Gone Before' from the Reviewer's Cafe
Review for 'Where No Pony Has Gone Before' from the Pleasant Commentator and Review Group. 'Recommended'
The Sillier Side of Celestia. Fanart by KHough.
Author review by Cobrawolf_Meiji2012
'The Reluctant Officer' by MustLovefrogs'
Reviewer's Cafe review by Princess Amore Dudette.
Barcast interview.
Review of 'Game of Thrones, Alicorn Style from the Pleasant Commentator and review Group. 'Enjoyable'.
Review of Game of Thrones: Alicorn Style by Paul Asuran. 'Worth it'
Master list of live-readings for Where No Pony Has Gone Before.
Interview by Nailah
Master post of live-reads for 'The Conversion Bureau: United we Stand
Where No Pony Has Gone Before on Equestria Daily
review of 'The Teeny, Tiny Pinkie pie by PaulAsaran. 'Worth it'.

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