• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen January 28th


Resident changeling squisher of FiMfic. Changelings beware!

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Whelp, I'mma takin' the dive... · 8:14pm Sep 29th, 2020

Into streaming! That's right my fellow friends who've likely thought I perished in some sort of complicated plot by Foals Errand, but such is obviously not the case. While my writing seems to have fallen by the wayside, real lack of motivation or desire, I haven't given up on gaming. Which, today, I wanted my friends to know that I'm going to try to throw my hat into the ring in the massive bloodbath that is streaming. In the next few days, I'll be trying to stream some of my gameplay out to

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Report Zodiacspear · 202 views ·
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Can’t complain much. Would like a bit more time to write than work, but, gotta pay them bills. You know?

you are welcome:twilightsmile:
thanks , friend :pinkiehappy:
how are you ?

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Cover Art, Commissions, and Other Art.

Tourmaline, done by the amazing Silfoe

Wanderer with some new friends! Art commissioned by Midnight Radiance

Concept drawing of Tourmaline, by yours truly

Concept drawing of Wanderer, by yours truly.

Pencil sketch of Tourmaline, by RyukutheCreative
[img] [img]http://img07.deviantart.net/0423/i/2017/089/a/d/wanderer_and_tourmaline_by_zodiacspear-db42jwz.png[/img]
Tourmaline and Wanderer, by RyukutheCreative

Wanderer, by the talented RyukutheDemented.

Wanderer in the grasslands, by RyukytheDemented

Cover Art of Those Who Hunt, by the talented Swirling Line

Cover Art of One Against All, by the clever Noble Thought.

Original cover art of Harmony Undone: The Rise of Order, by the talented TimeTurner.