Another update · 12:14am Jan 24th, 2023
Hey guys, sorry for the long silence through the holiday season. If you read my last blog post, you'll know that I obviously did not get the next chapter out in November. Sadly, I am still working on it, but a slew of life issues including health and work have gotten in the way of it. I do apologize again, I was actually on a fairly consistent streak and I hated breaking it, but I am hopeful that everything will resolve itself in the coming weeks. I suffer from Lyme disease, which slams me with
Hey, sure thing! Sorry to hear about your Acc issues. Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.
Heyyo my friend great stories so far
Hanging in there, my dude? 😎
Anytime, awesome possum!
Always here if you need a friend. 😇
Cool pfp, btw ;3