• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Submarine Yeoman, Writer, and film-student. Recently resurrected for 5th or 6th time.


I woke up in another world. A world Where there are no humans there are unicorns and pegasi. Where am I?

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 182 )

there are unicorns and pegasi

And earth ponies. You fucking racist.

1661326 Don't deny it. The earth ponies are underrepresented. As a UEEPT(Unicorn for Ethical Earth Pony Treatment), I demand he put earth ponies on there.

Uh, fix all the mistakes in the description and I might read this.


Lol Thanks a lot Regidar, but He woudn't freak out seeing are rgular horse.

Sorry :facehoof:


Demand all you want. I don't have to change nothin.:rainbowwild:


While it may see over used, it is only there while I think of another.

PS. He doesn't know where he is:pinkiegasp:


Demorgorgan. Do not feed the trolls :twilightangry2:


I know. Thats a major problem I am facing while writing them. I am trying to include more detail, so the chapters are longer

MOAR PWEEZE!~!~! :derpytongue2:

Hmmm silver wing...wonder why that sounds familure

As soon as I saw your name I thought the exact same thing. Awsome coincidence though:pinkiehappy:

Leave scared and injured guy who was running from you and your guards (who shot him in the leg) alone in a room,


what could possibly go wrong?


You sir just wrote the next chapter.

Thats was freaking awsome

if i awoke in a room after running from them i would run out of the room screaming LEEEEEROY JEEENKINSSSS

Okay. Micheal wont be screaming LEROOOOYYYYYY JEEEEEEENKINS, but the rest is pretty much what is happening. You'll see the new chapter in a few day's.

HAY I JUST SAW SOMETHING MY NAMES MICHAEL TOO awsome hence MIKEthealicorn in my name


Sigh. It's not that. There is also another who commented ( Silver Wing) who is the name of a charcter in the story. I keep running into this:pinkiecrazy:

It's not your fault:rainbowkiss:

oh ok nice profile picture btw


thx. BTW would you like to help me out with one of the future chapters?:ajsmug:

I will private message you.


If you are going to read a story, don't worry about the damn discription. just read the damn story.:facehoof:

Typo in the summary/description box.
A world were there are no humans, there are unicorns and pegasi.

Should be Where, not were. :pinkiesad2: Also, comma is needed.


Oh. thanks for pointing that out. I will fix it :pinkiehappy:

No worries. I see people often get flack for mistakes in the description, but your story seems to be doing very well regardless!


Well like I said in my notes in one of the chapters, any help is excepted


\Now that I can breathe again I have to ask. How are you this fucking funny????

I get my jokes at the same place Waldo goes to hide.


Right in aisle 6 by the shoes :trollestia:

Moar rawr lol

No! Cliffhanger!! :fluttershysad:


Don't worry. New chapter tommorrow :rainbowkiss:

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