• Member Since 30th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen February 3rd


By windward strides and holy ghosts, what rests beside the barren coasts?


A Chapter Closing · 7:26pm Oct 16th, 2017


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Am back in present day, also not on moon. Suspect being followed by me from parallel universe. Goatee indicative of nefarious intent. If one kills an alternate version of oneself, is it murder or suicide?

Comments ( 133 )
  • Viewing 129 - 133 of 133

I just started watching Vikings for the second time, so I’m inclined to say that the answer to your riddle is the corpses of monks and the ruins of Lindisfarne. Totally a shot in the dark though.

I shall now be making my way through your series once again. Seriously, even if you never come back to this (which I suspect is the case and have accepted), your stories have withstood the test of time, at least in my opinion. I will probably read your stuff for as long as I live, or as long as it's available on the internet. Whichever ends first.

Comment posted by Icebrew deleted Mar 21st, 2021

Hey air, hope your doing well- just read through your stories again! Always a good read

  • Viewing 129 - 133 of 133
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