• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen July 12th


Just a guy who reads a lot of pony words.


There doesn't appear to be anything here. · 5:13pm Sep 16th, 2012

Maybe you should pester the person that owns this blog and get them to add some stuff.

Report quick_study · 550 views ·
Comments ( 14 )
  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14

your avatar is a very good thing

Ahhhh... feels. My work here is done.:raritywink:


I couldn't not add it after spending 10 minutes nearly crying. That shit hurt, man. :fluttercry:

Thank you for adding my story As a Mother to your Favorites bookshelf. I'm glad that you enjoyed my peek at how Tia sees her little ponies.:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14
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