• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 17th, 2023


thehalfelf, otherwise known as The Black Wizard, is a strange, humanized cactus whose only intention is to 1) play all of the video games and B) ship all the ponies

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Elfy Update, 6/29 · 7:20pm Jun 29th, 2021

As of this morning I am officially on the wrong side of twenty. I'd say it feels weird, but I don't really feel any different. Age is a weird thing, isn't it?

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Comments ( 121 )
  • Viewing 117 - 121 of 121

1242644 Okay. I'll try to make it to that one.

It's NBD, I'm probably going to stream something by myself tomorrow.

Once again, happy birthday.

And I'm sorry that I missed the stream. Simply put, stuff happened and I wasn't able to make it. I'm really sorry.

Happy birthday, Elfy! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 117 - 121 of 121
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