• Member Since 4th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen May 6th, 2019


Gott schützen den Kaiser!

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  • ECuriosities
    Scootaloo languishes in a museum of oddities, both a trophy of Earth Pony superiority and the lesser races' inferiority.
    Imperaxum · 2.6k words  ·  29  3 · 617 views
  • TExterminatus
    Trapped in a leering city and under the shadow of a vast fleet, a pony tries to survive in the wretched ranks of the Chaos-damned populace in the final days to the death of a world of the Imperium of Mankind.
    Imperaxum · 24k words  ·  33  3 · 1.4k views
  • TThe Element of Harmony
    Far into Equestria's future, the familiar history of the land is barely understood. Perhaps the Nightmare won, and Stars know if there was ever a Living Sun that tread the earth. Everything has regressed, but one young conscript is there for the end.
    Imperaxum · 7.2k words · 348 views
  • TAve Imperator
    A cosplayer is sent to the Equestria of a hundred years ago - a Victorian era of high adventure on the wild fringes of the world. Too bad he's a PDF trooper from Warhammer 40k.
    Imperaxum · 8.8k words  ·  53  9 · 1.8k views
  • TSovereign
    Tirek met his end in the Griffon Empire, cut down by gunpowder and steel; in an Equestria robbed of its Princesses, ponies with ambition try to rise above the rest of the herd.
    Imperaxum · 4.4k words  ·  13  0 · 441 views
  • TIn the Realm of Iron and Snow
    In an industrialized Equestria, the three tribes have driven themselves to destruction by ice, gunpowder, and attrition. The apocalypse came with a whimper, centuries in the making, but there's hardly any survivors left suffer.
    Imperaxum · 2.4k words · 363 views
Comments ( 25 )
  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25

Giant God bless! God loves you. Now and forever.

Does "Horn of the Damned" exist anymore? I've had that bookmarked for the longest time, and have been trying to get around to it for over a year! (Sounds pathetic, but you know as well as I do how many stories are on this site...plus I don't read fanfiction as much as I used to.) Where can I find that story?

Hope your doing well man, wherever you are.

>Russian picture
>German bio


Thank you very much for adding my story The Railway Ponies: Highball to your Favorites bookshelf. I'm glad that you could smell the steam, feel the oil, and hear the song of steel.

  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25
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New 40k story, by me. · 11:29pm Jun 3rd, 2016

Exterminatus. Check it out, if you like. I figured anyone who read Ave Imperator would be interested, unless you're actually as hardcore pro-Emperor as the main character of that story. In that case, a story about a pony unwillingly falling into Chaos probably isn't for you.

Report Imperaxum · 493 views · Story: Ave Imperator ·