The Best of All Possible WorldsThe philosopher Voltaire finds himself in the most-frustrating place imaginable: Equestriaby McPoodle
136,345 words
· 1,886 · 50
A Voice Among the StrangersAn unsuspecting girl finds herself in Equestria, thrust into a world she has no concept of. Unable to communicate with the inhabitants, how will she cope?by Tystarr
205,112 words
· 2,782 · 68
Solitary LocustTwilight casts a spell that leaves her in an alien body, facing a mob of angry nodamnbrakes
110,038 words
· 2,986 · 126
Friendship is OptimalHasbro just released the official My Little Pony MMO, with an A.I. Princess Celestia to run Iceman
38,609 words
· 4,308 · 138
Top Favourites
Hard ResetTwilight gives her life to stop a changeling invasion. Eakin
36,358 words
· 8,321 · 135
The Monster in the TwilightTwilight Sparkle’s brilliant mind was gone, burned away by her own power when she nearly destroyed Canterlot twelve years ago. Now there is a monster prowling the Everfree. And it is starting to remember what true power felt Georg
99,220 words
· 4,017 · 84
EternalPrincess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle's bond is tested by miscommunication and device heretic
159,827 words
· 3,101 · 66
MortalTwilight Sparkle's friends have lived long and happy lives. Now their time is coming to an end, but Rainbow Dash, at least, will not go gently. Twilight has the power to save her friend's life. Is it worth violating the natural order?by Benman
42,470 words
· 992 · 135
Tales Of The Canterlot Deportation Agency: A Typical DayHumans are an infestation. A plague on Equestria. Nearly every last one thinks they're special and virtually all can cause damage. The CDA is going to send them all back where they came from by any means necessary -- or go down Estee
7,909 words
· 453 · 51
Tyvm for the favorite.
Thanks for the watch, and for the faves on Desert Spice, Plagiarism of the Gods, and Monster Hunter: Equestria.
What's the occasion? That was a lot of faves all at once!
Thanks for the fave!
Thanks for the watch! Hope you enjoy what you see!
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