• Member Since 7th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen March 7th


A downright delightful fellow.

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About Me

Started watching FiM during a long stay I had in the hospital. Might've been the morphine, but the first episode I caught was Luna Eclipsed, and it was exactly the kind of purely optimistic, light-hearted thing I needed at the time. Watched and enjoyed the rest of the show during my long recovery, and have been keeping up on it ever since.

I can't quite put a finger on what it is that is so appealing about FiM, but the cast is incredibly endearing, and I really enjoy Twilight as the protagonist. I suppose it's just nice to have something so optimistic, without it seeming overly simplistic. I enjoy it in the same way I enjoyed Pushing Daisies, which is to say, it's often adorable, it's very entertaining, and I care about the characters.

✧*:・゚Sugarfree Fanart・゚:*✧


Sugarfree - AMA · 3:01am Oct 17th, 2019

Uh hi all!

Sorry I disappeared for 4 straight years! Life has really accelerated for me since I got my last job, and I haven't had the kind of free time I need to write fics. I am doing very well, however!

I appreciate those who've checked in - this community has always been warm and wonderful. I started writing Sugarfree when I was in the middle of a long recovery after a major surgery, and this project did a lot to help rebuild my confidence and get me back out there.

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Comments ( 46 )
  • Viewing 42 - 46 of 46

Hoping the work world is going right for ya!
Still hoping you'll make a surprise appearance with another chapter to your story!
Thanks for the exciting ride it brought though, I just went and read it again, I remember awaiting each update!

If you're still alive somewhere I want you to know I dreamed about your story last night even though I haven't read it in a year.

...please come back...

Yo, you should stop being mostly dead.

Thanks for the fav on Winter Storm! :twilightsmile: Could I ask that you give me some feedback in the comments?

  • Viewing 42 - 46 of 46
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