• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 3rd, 2013



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Just a blog version of my delay comment on "Trixie Sits On Twilight" · 3:56am Aug 21st, 2013

I am sorry for the delay you guys, but I am working on the last chapter right now and it will hopefully be out and edited before the school year starts (then stories will be even slower :fluttercry:) Just traveling and personal issues have been getting in the way (like getting four of my teeth yanked out so i can get braces :flutterrage:) but im going to try to get it out asap so that all of you may enjoy my terrible writing! :twilightsmile:

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Report PonyPong · 439 views ·
Comments ( 11 )
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Thank you for the watch! What did I do to earn it?

709155 you will always deserve it no matter what :ajsmug:

Thank you so much for the Watch! I'll keep doing my best to deserve it!:twilightsmile:

Hello there jolly ol' fruit :pinkiehappy:

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