• Member Since 18th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I've spent almost twenty years of my life writing fanfiction. Something is clearly wrong with me, especially if I'm writing about pastel cartoon ponies now.


For Dragon's Blaze · 12:30am Jul 30th, 2018

Earlier this year, I took notice of a story on Fanfiction.net called United Destinies: the Hero and the Hybrid by an author named Dragon’s Blaze. While the story was by no means free of flaws, I still found myself fascinated by its charm and potential, so added it to my favorites list. Soon after, I began conversing freely with the author, helping her bounce ideas off of me, and even proofreading a few of the earlier chapters. I was very much fascinated by the story and eager to see where it

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Hey dude, you'll probably recognize me from other sites (or not hehe), but I just gotta tell ya how much I LOVE your stuff. Anytime I need a good pony laugh I know I can pop on over to your stuff and it will comply. My personal favorite is The Earth Pony that Couldn't and Other Cautionary Tales, followed closely by The Sparkle Precedent and Look on My Works, Ye Mighty.

Sorry, I just had to express how much I absolutely love you and your fics :rainbowkiss: Stay awesome, my dude

Wait. WAIT.

Holy shit, I KNOW that avatar and username.

I'm STILL suffering from mood whiplash after reading your fics years ago.

Ri2 #157 · Oct 16th, 2019 · · 1 ·

I've considered that option. I just...I dunno. I'll think about it.

Why? If it’s burnout or/and real life issues, then we can understand. Maybe put up a summary of the Obsidian star badge and final battle arcs as the final chapter.
Given how many plot lines you were running, I think it can still pass off as an average chapter.
At least don’t leave your readers hanging.


The finale was amazing. And no, I don't know if I'll ever continue

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