• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Yes, my avatar is looking OP, but it is merely a transfer character I have that seems OP, but not in the sense you are thinking. Think multiverse. And there are way stronger worlds out there.


Who Wants to Take Over? · 1:27am July 10th

Does anyone want to take over writing this story?

VHS Clop has gotten more focused on his own style and storyline, away from the plan I had set out and laid out for like almost three arcs up to this point. He has even focused more on the mane six and away from Sunny and the other 'main' characters cause he enjoys them more.

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Comments ( 14 )
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I have been rereading the Darkness Bathing story again and I have noticed that all of your maps have failed to show up. I have read this story before so I can partially remember them, but a big part of the appeal to this story is that you could literally see Sky expand his territory. It is needed in your opening chapters to show his progress to unify a war-torn land. It will also be nice to learn more about Belgica and Carthaginensis so I hope that you will make opening chapters for them as well. I hope that you will continue to work on this amazing story!!!

Can you do a part with twilight and a zebra please on the lawless story.

Comment posted by Shadowforever500 deleted Nov 28th, 2017

So cum inflation eh? Nice.

Many thanks for the fave :3 *Boops ^^*

  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14
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