• Member Since 6th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 16th, 2021


Creativity in its purest form is self-expression. I choose to try to express myself in everything I do.

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Talking About My Issues · 3:24pm Oct 24th, 2018

I honestly do try to not talk about my personal issues much here, because what little I have actually talked about here has been seen as pandering, or attention seeking. I've realized that if I don't talk about my issues here, people won't really get why I am the way I am, and the same hate will continue whether I want it or not. So, here we go, time to talk about my issues.

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Report SprocketProductions · 300 views ·
Comments ( 40 )
  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40

How not to write a story where the tone stays lighthearted and fun and the characters don't hate you for being the author

Don't make it break the fourth wall

I dunno how I'll make it up to the main characters

Hey does anyone here have Sprocket's email? I'm trying to get in contact with her but she's been offline for almost a week. I just want to reach her directly and see how she's doing.

Sprocket if you're reading this, I'm sending you my email in PM.

2431752 That's always nice to hear ^^

Just gonna casually favorite all your stories to give you happiness in succession xP

  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40
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