Where can you find this author's content?
Hi there, this one is Quinny(it/its)
It used to be known as SprocketProductions, and started this account in a time when it was experimenting with using writing more as a toy than it was a tool for creation of actually impactful stories. At this point, it's more or less left the fandom, and moved past its reliance on fanfiction for the sake of creating stories, and its writing is better for it. This of course beg the question: where can you find it now?
As its main source of content, it primarily streams games on Twitch under the title QuinnyOnMain
It posts flow-of-consciousness style microfiction on its Tumblr in addition to general content, so you might be able to catch it posting on its blog
However, the single creative project it's most proud of so far is another currently Tumblr hosted series called The Dolls' House (novelization in progress)
How not to write a story where the tone stays lighthearted and fun and the characters don't hate you for being the author
Don't make it break the fourth wall
I dunno how I'll make it up to the main characters
Hey does anyone here have Sprocket's email? I'm trying to get in contact with her but she's been offline for almost a week. I just want to reach her directly and see how she's doing.
Sprocket if you're reading this, I'm sending you my email in PM.
2433146 Good'ay
2431752 That's always nice to hear ^^
Just gonna casually favorite all your stories to give you happiness in succession xP