• Member Since 1st Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


There is nothing as liberating, or terrifying, as a blank page.

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Anniversary · 10:19pm February 29th

I'd like to thank you all for following me as I celebrate my second anniversary on FIMFiction. It was eight years ago today, 29 February 2016, that I created my account (though for some reason my account now reads 1 March 2016). I've enjoyed my time writing on this site and look forward to putting out more work in the future. Thank you all and happy Leap Day!



Report Dreadnought · 92 views · Story: Robot Pony ·


Here's where I currently stand:
1) Applejack-centered drama - 85% complete.
2) Apple Family-centered drama - 60% complete.
3) Rarity-centered drama - 50% complete.
4) Sequel to The Secret Life of... Scootaloo - Writer's Block. Sorry.
5) Apple Bloom & Celestria story - prewriting

Pony Facts

Favorite Pony: Applejack :ajsmug: Favorite Princess: Luna Favorite CMC: Scootaloo :scootangel: Favorite Villian: Discord
Favorite Background Pony: Lyra Heartstrings Favorite Movie: My Little Pony: The Movie Favorite Episode: The Perfect Pear Favorite Pairings: LunaMac / SoarinJack

About Me

Well, I thought I might list a few of my interests. Maybe it will provide some topics of conversation.
1) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (duh)
2) Writing - fiction and nonfiction
3) Reading - military history, mystery
4) Hiking - I've hiked portions of the Appalachian Trail, PCT along with trails in national parks
5) Kayaking - love it, but haven't had much of an opportunity to do it
6) Traveling - been to 44 U.S. States. Lived in 11. A lot of famous places (NYC, Denver, Alaska, Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, LA, etc) and some not so famous places (Castaway Crossroads, Arkansas Post, Guymon) and deployed to the Middle East.
7) NFL - my team is officially 6-6!

Comments ( 287 )
  • Viewing 283 - 287 of 287

Hello, Scootaloo's number one fan! I hope you enjoy Weed Killers!

Also, I love that gif of AJ.

Thank you for adding Crisis of Infinite Trixies. It's an honor. :twilightblush:

Thanks for taking an interest in Last Day With Mom

I hope you enjoy my story :raritywink:

Hey, thank you for adding Too Afraid to Ask to your library! :D

  • Viewing 283 - 287 of 287
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