Welcome to the first ever meeting of the newest fan club for the awesomest, previously under-appreciated pony in Ponyville! With founding member and president Rainbow Dash presiding, it's the... Scootaloo Fan Club!
Folder | |
Adventure | 0 |
Alternate Universe | 1 |
Breaking the Fourth Wall | 0 |
CMC | 1 |
Comedy | 1 |
Cutie Mark (Getting one) | 0 |
Dark | 0 |
Drama | 0 |
Family ( 2 sub folders ) | 3 |
Flying | 2 |
Future | 0 |
Main | 0 |
Rainbow Dash | 1 |
Random | 1 |
Romance | 0 |
Sad | 0 |
Slice of Life | 1 |
Tragedy | 0 |
Welcome to the first ever meeting of the newest fan club for the awesomest, previously under-appreciated pony in Ponyville! With founding member and president Rainbow Dash presiding, it's the... Scootaloo Fan Club!
What are the rules for adding a story to this group? Because I have three in mind that definitely qualify as great Scootaloo stories.