• Member Since 19th Mar, 2024
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Avatar by ScroumptiousBirb

It’s a beautiful day outside
Birds are singing, flowers are blooming
On days like these, kids like you,
Should be writing my little pony fanfiction

My Amazing Editing Friends:

Blog Posts

  • 14 weeks
    An analysis of the Italian Nursery Rhyme from Ch 9

    Excuse me while I nerd out about that Italian nursery rhyme from Chapter Nine.

    Cavallino arri, arrò,
    prendi la biada che ti do,
    prendi i ferri che ti metto
    per andare a San Francesco.
    A San Francesco c’è una via
    che ti porta a casa mia.
    A casa mia c’è un altare
    con tre monache a lavorare,
    una cuce, una taglia,
    una fa cappelli di paglia;
    la più piccola e vecchietta
    Santa Barbara benedetta.

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    1 comments · 95 views
Comments ( 25 )
  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25

Oh okay cool and what are your plans for today by the way?

I have, actually! Though, I never looked much into it.

Oh okay and have you heard of Ponymon at all?

I guess it's a bit like the mystery dungeon games, but combat is turn based. You start off as a baby pokemon set off completing quests. I started off as a budew, and my friends mantyke and riolu.

Oh okay cool can you tell me more about that please?

  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25
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