• Member Since 19th Mar, 2024
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


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Found 2 stories in 45ms

Total Words: 47,588
Estimated Reading: 3 hours


There aren't many gardening jobs in Cloudsdale. Poor Purple Carnation! But a chance encounter might change that. Or not.

Story written for the The New Blood Contest.

I actually was initially aiming for three bonuses: two PoVs that run concurrently, experiment with the form, and story told as a collection of works in-universe; but, as per contest rules, the last one can be ignored.

Chapters (1)

Two friends end up in Equestria. One loves it, and the other hates it. Will their friendship survive? A shameless self-insert featuring a transgender mare and her cynical friend.

Cover art by the wonderful QuixoticPirates.

Chapters (19)