• Member Since 24th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I am here to prove that even someone that has dyslexia can write stories. All feedback is appreciate​, and always have a smile.

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Holiday · 3:49am Dec 11th, 2023

Merry Christmas everyone. Unfortunately I will not be able to work on my stories until next year. I will spare you the details and go with not having a laptop to use when switching between houses. Until things settle down, I going to hold off until next year. Before writing more. Sorry for the inconvenience. See you guys next year.

Report Miner · 125 views ·


Comments ( 28 )
  • Viewing 19 - 28 of 28

Fellow dyslexic, here! You have my respect. I have quite a backlog of stories to read, but I did skim your earliest and latest stories, and it's impressive how much you improved!

Either way, great job

Yes. It's can be a pain when writing or talking. It worst when i am tired.

You have Dyslexia?

Thank you, I am just an ordinary person but I would like to read a story that Sandbar and Yona had sexual relations but without finishing studying at the friendship school, so Yona got pregnant with her and Sandbar's child and they do their best to hide her pregnancy. Too bad this story doesn't exist, but you could create it. Can you please make this story come true?

If you are asking for a sequel for the Our New Queen. Then you have to wait. I am still working on it along with other stories.
As for story requests not really. It has to be something that gets my interest for me to write about something. Not to mention that I doubt I could make another story as good as the Queen story.

Hi. when I saw your Our New Queen story, I was very impressed that Twilight look beautiful as a changeling queen. So do you do request stories, by any chance?. Twirax is one of my favorite pair.

  • Viewing 19 - 28 of 28
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