Hello · 6:38pm Aug 21st, 2024
SOOOOOoo. It has been a while. I have been busy and forgot about this site for a while. I only returned because a fellow brony asked for a story request for his OC. I considered stopping writing before he asked because I was having difficulty dealing with a work-life balance. But I will continue finishing his story and we will see what happens afterwards.
It's only meant to be a ten-chapter story, and I hope you guys like it. Have a good day everyone.
Are you open for requests/ideas?
Saw your username and couldn’t help but think of this.

Fellow dyslexic, here! You have my respect. I have quite a backlog of stories to read, but I did skim your earliest and latest stories, and it's impressive how much you improved!
Either way, great job
Yes. It's can be a pain when writing or talking. It worst when i am tired.
You have Dyslexia?
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
Thank you, I am just an ordinary person but I would like to read a story that Sandbar and Yona had sexual relations but without finishing studying at the friendship school, so Yona got pregnant with her and Sandbar's child and they do their best to hide her pregnancy. Too bad this story doesn't exist, but you could create it. Can you please make this story come true?