• Member Since 1st Mar, 2016
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There is nothing as liberating, or terrifying, as a blank page.


This story is a sequel to To Our Dear Children...

After the revelations from their parents, Apple Bloom meets her twin sister. But what is the filly hiding?

Chapters (2)

The only thing more shocking than a letter from their parents is what it says.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria to gather information on her friends.

A Jinglemas 2023 story for Bandy.

Happy Holidays!

Chapters (1)

With an upcoming test in government class, it's up to Twilight Sparkle to explain the intricacies of the US election system.

"This story is great! Just great! The best thing I've read, and I've read quite a lot."
- Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States

"This story can be described by three letters: G-O-O-D. Good!"
- Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 46th President of the United States

"This story should be required reading for all students in the United Kingdom. It is important for them to understand our partner in the Special Relationship."
- Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

"This proves elections in Russia are better."
- Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

"The greatest essay on politics in America since the Federalist Papers."
- Dr. Larry Sabato, Professor of Politics at the University of Virginia

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Maud may be like oil and water. But they'll have to work together to solve this friendship problem.

Originally written for Everfree Northwest's Iron Author competition.

Chapters (1)

Three strangers and a bundle of chaos. What could go wrong?

A Jinglemas 2022 story for ANIMAK! Hope you enjoy it!

Chapters (1)

Dissension is brewing in the ranks of the Changeling hive. Could this be the turning point in ridding Equestria of a terrible threat?

Written for Everfree Northwest's Iron Author Contest. The three prompts were "guerilla", "guru", and "gaffe." The other stories can be found here.

Chapters (1)

With a special potion, Rainbow Dash gets more than she bargained for on April Foal's Day.

Chapters (5)

Vinyl Scratch seeks out Octavia. But what will she ask of her friend? And will Octavia be up to it?

Written for Pen Heart for Jinglemas 2021

Chapters (1)

Following the events of "The Break Up Break Down", Discord decides to have a little chat with the source of the problem. And maybe bother some princesses along the way!

Entry in the May 2021 Original Pairing Contest.

Featured on 30 May 21!

Chapters (1)