• Member Since 25th Jan, 2013
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New Story, Crisis of Infintite Trixies. Arc 1 finished. + news. · 6:11am February 9th

Hello again, sorry about the late blog post, but I can be lazy sometimes. Arc 1 of Crisis of Infinite Trixies is finished and published. It's been an idea that's been lurking around in my head since forever. The problem was finding which Trixies to add to the story. I think I've made a pretty nice balance. You might be wonder if Rangerverse Trixie will show up in the story. The answer is no. It's a little too self-indulgent for my tastes. Besides, she's a little too powerful and competent for

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Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 13 - 22 of 22

Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!

Thanks for adding History Lesson and History Reimagined to a bunch of categories in the group Secret Agent Sweetie Drops/Bon Bon.

Oh, I just remembered: there are several music links in The Moon's Wrath, and they're all connected to songs composed specifically for the fic by a friend. They improve the fic immensely, and I'd strongly recommend including the actual links in the riff itself, as there's no copyright claims and such to worry about with them.

Sounds great!

And as for the crossovers you've been writing for the Lunaverse, I've been considering giving them a read. But right now, I'm trying to get back in touch with my coauthor for the second Dragonverse fic so it can be completed (since I have plans to open it up (somewhat) once the second fic is done).


Don't worry. I will post the riff in your stories comment section and I will PM you. I will make sure you don't miss it. Also, if you like the Lunaverse, I wrote a Power Ranger/Lunaverse crossover called Galaxy Rangers if you are interested.

Sweet! I think I'll watch you so I find out as soon as you start riffing it. Adding comments with groups of them would be nice, too, though (like what you did for RDD's Longest Day, Longest Night, which was how i found you, in fact).


Looks like it will be fun. I will try to get to as soon as possible. I will do it after I am done riffing Doctor Whooves: Impossible Portal and Night Fall Equestria.

Okay, the fic I'm offering up for the slaughter is: The Moon's Wrath. I've been told by many of my readers that It's my best fic (It's also one of the few I have completed thanks to problems from the past and difficulty with my current supporting authors and coauthors.) It's only six chapters, but I hope you have fun with it all the same.


No problem. Suggest away!

Hey, do you take riff requests? It's not to hate on someone else's fic, mind you. I'd like to offer up one of my own. I was riffed once before and couldn't stand it, but it was because it was without my permission, and I didn't fully understand riffing at the time. I love what you've done so far, so I was just wondering if I could request you go after a specific one of mine.

  • Viewing 13 - 22 of 22
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