New Lunaverse story coming soon · 12:24pm May 27th, 2019
Hi everyone. Just a heads up. There is a new Lunaverse story coming soon so stay tuned.
Big Trouble in the Big Easy
Hi everyone. Just a heads up. There is a new Lunaverse story coming soon so stay tuned.
Big Trouble in the Big Easy
Currently working on a new Lunaverse short. I've completed about 3 chapters/8000 words in the past two days. Hoping to finish and start posting by the end of the week.
Well that's it then! After four years (almost to this day!) I am officially DONE!
I have finally completed Secret of Andalantis. Thanks to all of you who stuck all the way through, I hope you enjoyed this long journey despite all the delays and months without any updates. It had been a crazy few last week as I blazed through those last few chapters.
If you’ve followed me for a long time, you’ll know I have a soft spot in my heart for the Alternate Mane 6 subgenre. Stories where the characters we know and love from the show are changed somewhat, if not outright replaced, have a lot of creative potential, giving both writers and readers a chance to explore a new perspective on the same basic outline. And while I could go down the obvious path and try to review the Lunaverse (pretty much the quintessential AM6 series), that comes with
I've looked into a lot of fanfic and art 'verses over the years, but a very well-known 'verse has long evaded me. I speak, of course, of RainbowDoubleDash's vaunted Lunaverse. Which means, yes indeedy, it's time to crack that nut by checking out the very first story, Boast Busted! Let's see what this AU has to offer, shall we?
Back when I read RainbowDoubleDash's Boast Busted, I was left with a lot of questions. The next place to turn in the Lunaverse then is its prequel, Longest Night, Longest Day, a retelling of the show's pilot with Trixie and company and all the character flip-flopping that entails. And thankfully,
Many people have seen that there are many alternate Universes in MLP Fanfiction. These Universes are made by many writers and have many fans. These Sub-genres have grown over the decade that MLP: FiM has been around.
Universes, like The Lunaverse, Assassinverse, Hasbroverse, Fallout: Equestria, The Conversion Bureau, Fall of Equestria, Mykan's My Brave Pony among others, have their own fans and Detractors. These groups have made the genre into one of the biggest in all Fanfiction.
Hello again. I have a new story out and it's called Trixie and Prince Charming and this story is canon to the Lunaverse. It about Princess Luna setting Trixie on a play date with Prince Blueblood. It goes about as well as you might suspect. No real origin to this story idea, I just thought it would be fun to write a story about filly Trixie and the idea of a play date with Blueblood randomly came out from there. It was a lot of fun to write and awoke a lot of childhood feelings I'd almost
Okay, when I said that there was one more chapter after 5, I was wrong. The chapter didn't pace out that way. Instead, I'm guessing that there are 2 chapters left and I will probably write an epilogue, but I am not sure on that one still. I really need to learn to not say that there are X chapters left in the story. It never turns out that way ever. Still, I am not complaining about more time to write this story. I think it's turning out rather well. Better than I first thought actually.
Hey again. A new chapter of Flutter of the Heart is finally done. Not much to talk about this time, though I am thinking about doing a one-shot before I start writing Sun and Moon, the finale of Season One of Galaxy Rangers. It may or may not be canon to the Lunaverse as a whole. It is a prequel about filly Trixie. The plot is pretty simple. It is about Princess Luna setting up a play date between Trixie and Blueblood in an attempt to get her student some friends. It goes about as well as you
Hello everyone! This time we will be doing Longest Night, Longest Day by RainbowDoubleDash. The first episode of the Lunaverse. I have thinking about doing this story for years. I am going to have so much fun doing this story.
This is going to be the final side story before third part of the Galaxy Rangers story. The third part is going to be named "Sun and Moon" (Enter your Pokemon jokes here) and this will end Season 1 of the Galaxy Rangers. What will happen in Season 2? Um, I'm still working on it.
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been posting lately, but I have been busy. I'm still working on the Season One finale of the Galaxy Rangers. I already have 19 chapters done, and the story is almost finished. As for Black Cat, it's on hold for the time being. I'm not sure when I'll start writing it again, but I need a break. It's the first real story I've ever worked on, and I'm sad to leave it. But, I have other writing projects I want to do, and I need to organize by ideas on it.
This is a one-shot staring Raindrops and Carrot Top. I've been wanting to do a story staring Raindrops for a very long time. She's one of my most favorite members of the Luna 6. I wanted to write a story that addressed Carrot Top growing problem with her anger and the best pony to help her would be Raindrops. I don't think it would have worked well with the other members of the Luna 6. Can you imagine Trixie trying to confront CT about her anger issues? Total disaster. Funny, but I wanted to
Hello again. A new chapter of A Flutter of the Heart is finally done. Sorry, this took so long. I had my wisdom teeth removed a few weeks ago, and the recovery slowed my writing down a bit. I had three of them removed. Not fun. I promise to speed it up from now on. I'm glad I took the risk to write this story. Fluttershy has proven to be an interesting character to write for and I love playing around with romantic cliches. Trixie sure changes things doesn't she? Her mere presence seems to
Hey again. Another chapter of Flutter of the Heart is done. This is probably my favorite chapter yet. It has some pretty funny moments from both Trixie and Fluttershy. Plus, it was really fun to write a crazy spin on the typical hostage situation scenario. There should be one more chapter after this, then I will write that filly Trixie one shot I mentioned in my last blog post before I start writing the season finale of the season 1 of Galaxy Rangers. I hope you enjoy the chapter.
I've finished another story. It's called Rainbow Rescue. It's a crossover between G3 and the Lunaverse. It's an idea that's been dwelling in my head for some time. G3 wasn't the greatest, but I did pave the way for Twilight and her friends. So, I suppose it deserved some respect, even if I didn't think it was very good. I took longer than expected to finish, complete with a big rewrite of the ending, but I think it turned out well.
You know, there are the little things in life that make you want to continue to be a good fanfic writer. Having someoe make new art for you because they want to is one of those ways.
Hello everyone. I wanted this to come out by Valentine's Day, but work kinda messed that up. I kept getting called in to work for one reason or another. February was such a miserable month for me. Oh well. Today we will be reading chapters 9-12 of Longest Night, Longest Day by RainbowDoubleDash. The story is finally picking up! ...Sorta. Thinking about the pacing of this fic, I totally think you could cut four chapters out of it no problem. About half of the festival preparations could be cut.
The final chapter of A Flutter of the Heart is finished! Sorry, it took so long, but a lot of things happened in this chapter. Part of the reason this took so long is that I had to rewrite the ending. The old version didn't quite work in my opinion though it did have some parts I did like and I am sad I had to cut. But thems the breaks. I will post the old version down below if you are interested.