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It has begun · 6:35pm Sep 12th, 2019

Answer Me is out.

Initially debated on writing it as a one-shot but I felt that would be too long to do and difficult given my cell situation. So, I'm breaking it up into chapters. No idea how many, no idea how quick I'll update, but keep your eyes peeled. There's a lot to unpack.

Report Black Hailstorm · 263 views · #AU

A whole new world · 3:59am Nov 26th, 2016

So I was thinking, especially bad when I am bored and depressed.
There are many worlds out there for this fandom, and I have a few myself.

The Dragon verse

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Report DarknessLilly · 278 views · #AU

Secondary Six AU! · 11:32pm Apr 21st, 2017

Hi! I'm ToastedToast, and this is my AU! In this AU, there is a completely different mane six. The mane six in this AU are the secondary six from Canned Cream's video. If you didn't click the link, that's Zecora as the Element of Magic, Shining Armor as the Element of Loyalty, Vinyl Scratch as the Element of Laughter, Cheerilee as the Element of Generosity, Big Macintosh as the Element of Honesty, and Derpy as the Element of Kindness. This

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Report ToastedToast · 409 views · #au #new au #intro #hello

Nightmare Moon AU · 5:09pm Oct 29th, 2022

I keep musing about ways Cadence being canon before S2 could have fun influences on fics and the story but I just had an idea for an AU where upon returning Nightmare Moon steals the Elements of Harmony before anyone even gets close to them. Twilight and company still become friends, but then they barely escape the castle being collapsed on them and have to be saved by Zecora; as they recover, Nightmare Moon sets about in her conquests.

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Report vazak · 197 views · #MLP #au

Concept for upcoming part of AU. Plus AU idea · 8:27am March 21st

I have written the first two 3 chapters of an upcoming fanfic. Combines and Diamonds of Stardust. But written in a way where reading those two will be optional before hand

It takes place during/just after the G5/Make Your Mark time. It will focus on the return of a character from Diamonds Of Stardust who is thirsty for revenge, under the power of the Alicorn Amulet.

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Report Lulamoon-Crystal · 56 views · #Au #concept

Badass Twilight AUs and Prompts · 4:27pm Nov 3rd, 2019

After watching the EGG Holiday specials, I came up with this one.
Girls in Shades
Short Summary: 7 girls, 7 shades, and 1 heist of the century.
They would be humans in this story.

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AU Heroes · 11:17pm Sep 9th, 2020


So, the Provalance has had its fair share of heroes. Let’s go over them.

First: Warsaw.

So, Warsaw only has a few heroes. One of them is a generation of ponies. They started with outlaws, and soon turned into a more military family. The current soldier in their family is Sandbar. Next up, is a pegasus named Everdale. She was famous for using a rifle, and not an aerial vehicle in the first Provalance War.

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Report MlpHero · 195 views · #My AU

Time For some Lore · 3:48am Sep 6th, 2020

So, I’m sure you all remember the map of my AU Equestria (If you don’t remember, it’s these two:)

So, I’m gonna explain a quick bit of lore. Remember, I’ve worked on this for a while, so there’s probably more that I’ve missed.

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Report MlpHero · 163 views · #My AU

OC AU Combo time!!!!! · 4:29am May 10th, 2021

Main focuses:
1. OG Timeline (OGT)
2. Corruption Arc (CA)

Time Period Timelines:
Original Timeline
Medieval Ages
Cyberpunk Futuristic

Each timeline both has an original and a Corruption Arc, these in turn loop into one another. Tis hard to explain with typing.

Report HiddenEntity · 124 views · #OC AU

Thoughts on Changelings · 8:17pm Feb 6th, 2020

Just some simple thoughts if I ever decided to write a story with them. This also makes them AU.

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Report Teraunce · 287 views · #AU #Changelings

AU Divisions · 5:56pm Sep 6th, 2020

Okay, so my AU. It’s already apparent that war is a prominent setting in the AU’s story. So, there have to be army/army branches right? Okay then, I’ll tell you about some.

First up, Warsaw.

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Report MlpHero · 160 views · #My AU

Remember when I was on punishment? · 3:47am Sep 1st, 2020

Well, I made these in my free time:

This is an AU of Equestria (It was originally for another fanfic community, then it’s own thing, and now it’s this). I uh... have a lotta lore to explain for this place.

Report MlpHero · 148 views · #New AU

Further Thoughts · 3:53pm Mar 7th, 2020

Changeling Magic Addendum: Uncursed 'Lings can push their magic past their normal mana pool due to their cursed heritage, but they are forced to satisfy the magic debt by eating emotions to replenish the accrued life energy debt as they feel the same hunger their cursed counterparts do until it is satiated.
Starving 'Lings have an increasingly hard time suppressing the urge to feed. Near death most go completely feral and some never recover.

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Report Teraunce · 293 views · #Changelings #AU

Capitols of the Provalance · 10:10pm Oct 1st, 2020

So, my AU is ever expanding. Even today it’s growing. So, I decided to go over each 'capitol' of the Prov. So, let’s start of.

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Report MlpHero · 152 views · #My AU

AU Mane 6 Idea · 6:00pm Jun 4th, 2018

I dub these 6 as: The Fashion Six

and here are the Elements assigned to those 6:

Rarity (Element of Magic)
Suri Polomare (Element of Honesty)
Sassy Saddles (Element of Loyalty)
Valley Glamour (Element of Generosity)
Sapphire Shores (Element of Kindness)
Photo Finish (Element of Laughter)

If anyone wants to do any AU Fanfics with these 6 Fashionistas, be my guest :)

Report JimmyHook19 · 403 views · #AU Idea

Some of My Old Weapon Concepts for Primeval (as well as some other doodles) · 4:04pm Oct 2nd, 2020

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Report MlpHero · 188 views · #My AU

More purple marshmallow fluff for your entertainment · 6:07pm May 28th, 2017

For all of you who read and enjoyed my story Dense As Diamonds (and if you didn't, how did you find this post?), I just finished my second entry for our ducky overlady's Raritwi contest.

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Another spontaneous story idea or reading material... · 4:48am Feb 20th, 2017

So in my previous journal I asked about Scootadopt fics featuring Octavia and Vinyl, and Rubberization was kind enough to link me to a quite worthy series that centered on just that.

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Report Limescale · 301 views · #chrysalis #changeling #AU

Spear & Shield WIP · 5:26pm July 17th

Hello again everyone, just giving you all a quick update about one of my (hopefully) planned omakes turned stories. The premise of this Omake is that it's set during the Royal Wedding(Yeah I know it's super controversial episode with tons of fix-fics) but Celestia actually fights Chrysalis. Dusk Shine/Twilight Sparkle & Shining Armor demonstrates why they're about the strongest non-alicorn magic users in Equestria. Along Cadance helps out too. Other characters too but I want to keep them as a

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Report HeirofHades · 24 views · #Update #WIP #AU

M Story Delay · 10:15pm Sep 7th, 2015

Did I mention how much I enjoy teaching?

My planned M story is taking much longer than expected because it's from an AU which closely parallels an existing pony episode. I have to keep referring back to (and keep obviously-but-fairly-plagiarizing) the show scripts to get everything just right.

This means updates will now resume in their usual random order. :pinkiecrazy:

Report Trick Question · 422 views · #story #delay #au #m
Viewing 1 - 20 of 379 results