• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen May 10th, 2021

Fizzy Orange


Bubbles' Pokémon Journey - part 5 · 4:00am Feb 19th, 2018

(I have recently started a Pokémon Crystal play through on the 3DS virtual console, this is a retelling of thas adventure)

Hi there Pokémon fan, your friend Bubbles is back.

Sorry I've been quiet. I was pretty devasted after that defeat at the Azalea Town gym and it took me a day to get back out there. I don't even remember how I went back to the Pokémon Center after that battle.

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Comments ( 18 )
  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18

Oh, excellent, joy and joy! I'll be waiting.

1874336 No it's not dead, I'm working on the next chapter right now... making headway step by step. There's secquences of events I just need to figure out and one particular one I really really don't know how to fit in the timeline of event.

Regarding your fiction story secrets of Andalantis,
Welp, question. It's been 6 months. Is this story dead? If not, I'll wait for the next chapter *stomps foot fervently*. But I just thought I'd give ya a howdy do and honestly ask if you're okay. I mean yeah, writer's block sucks and I want you to finish the story, but health comes first man. Also, did you need any help? I'm always willing to assist if necessary.

Hopefully awaiting your answer,

Random internet stalker #63042 :applejackunsure:


I come here to check out Fizzy's page and turns out he's friends with the future president's husband!

  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18
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