On "Fake It 'til You Make It" · 8:05pm Apr 8th, 2018
Working on retail and tech support for five years now has giving me some background so this episode hit close for me. It is intimidating - much more than some would say. You will be pulling stupid stunts and saying weird stuff to satisfy or circle-around the customer. Personas do emerge specially when uniforms are involved, and if you're not careful they will take over even off-shift. One of the scariest things I've experienced is finding myself as high-and-mighty and above
lol! I wasn't sure many would get the reference. Dating myself a bit there.
Thank you for writing this story. I found it wonderful throughout, including the epilogue. I found the Medicine Woman reference a nice surprise.
Thanks for the favorite on Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart.
Thanks for favoring my story, Twilight's World.
Thanks for the fav!