• Member Since 16th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 5th, 2018


Old donkey from the north. Likes pie and strong black coffe.Avatar by KeePony: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/KeePony


Happy Hearth's Warming! · 10:28pm Dec 24th, 2017

I hope everyone has a great Heartswarming!

Report CoastalSarv · 500 views ·

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Comments ( 117 )
  • Viewing 113 - 117 of 117

I had genuinely forgotten about you. How've you been?

Indeed. Part of my intent was to defang it by transforming it into twisted historical retelling.

And I thought it was interesting how "reindeer" is another word for "caribou" and how easily Tarandroland fit into this. Being a former slave race with a rebellion that went terribly right, such that rebel king is considered a monster to even themselves, would only add to their already dour and suspicious nature.

  • Viewing 113 - 117 of 117
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