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97598 yeah, I do. Although, I think I pissed him off a while ago, and I really haven't talked to him in like 2 months maybe. It was something really small, so I'm mad at myself for just kind of letting him go. And now he's gone. I'm sorry it's upsetting you so much. If you need anything, I'm always here, remember that.
97598 yeah, I do. Although, I think I pissed him off a while ago, and I really haven't talked to him in like 2 months maybe. It was something really small, so I'm mad at myself for just kind of letting him go. And now he's gone. I'm sorry it's upsetting you so much. If you need anything, I'm always here, remember that.
Do you miss him yet?
I do
57966 Hey...
I'm okay with that.
Ima watch'chu
36785 Anytime, keep up the good work!