• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 10th, 2014


If will is a driving force, what happens to will when you have lost everything?

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GUESS WHO'S STILL ALIVE · 7:19pm Jul 3rd, 2013


although all of my fans and attention has likely died our near fully in my absence (which I am sorry...a lot of personal stuff) I am happy to say, I have returned!
*one guy cheers*

I am so sorry for my long absence...but I have been reading your comments and I promise I will try my hardest to provide an experience you enjoy ^^

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Report TheMareinTheMoon · 562 views ·
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I am just curious what are your feelings on Pinkie? i know you read cupcakes that fanfic will always be the one thing i love and hate.:ajbemused:

Hello, Princess Luna~ :raritywink:

24278 Very carefully

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