• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 19th, 2022

Gregory the Mighty

I'm an independent Writer


Bronycon 2018 · 2:47am Jul 28th, 2018

A little late, but I will be at Bronycon 2018 Saturday only.

message me if you'd like to hang.


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Comments ( 7 )
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weird i haven't been watching u til just now, but i am now (guess that explains why i never got notified for ur stories i proofread lol)

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh oh my gosh!
I can't believe you followed me! :D

Great stories! Funny punchlines and well-written:twistnerd:
Keep it up!:moustache:

the story is absolutely awesome! a huge hootenanny of great literature! cant hardly wait for the next installment! keep up the great work!:derpytongue2:

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