• Member Since 20th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 19th, 2022

spirit shin

As an M/M fanfic writer I am Currently working on Coffee Bender, about 2@ OC ponies Also i am working on a secret music Humans In Equestria Fanfic. i hope it turns out well.


happy bday · 8:29am Nov 3rd, 2012

happy bday to me

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Hey its projectghost from FJ:eeyup:
got your cover done http://ironwolves21.deviantart.com/:twilightblush:

Hey dude. Im that guy from omegle. Your story is good, even though i don't like shipping. I think with a little bit of work on syntax, punctuation, and grammar you might shape up to be a decent fanfic author. If you ever need an editor, don't be afraid to send me a message. I might not always answer right away but I'm always available to help a brony in need. You have potential, just keep trying!

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