• Member Since 25th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 31st, 2022

Lenora Goff

To be written later


Writing more stories doesn't mean you're better · 10:58pm Jun 4th, 2014

It doesn't mean you're a better writer, it doesn't mean you're a more devoted fan. It certainly doesn't mean you're a better person, or that you're above criticism. And if you think that it means any of that, then that means that you're horrible.

Why am I saying this?

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Comments ( 114 )
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Now if only I could write as good as you do.

Also, if only I could finish that story I'm supposed to be finishing.

2087976 He has returned.

Also, I just wanna give props for writing a series that straight up inspired me to start writing stuffs. I really appreciate it!

Thanks for the fave on "New Neighbor". :raritywink:

Yo dawg I herd you liked Cuddlequest of Earth so I wanted to thank you for doing that

Thanks for favouriting my story!

  • Viewing 110 - 114 of 114
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Progress on latest chapter (maybe chapters if I get back into this and make more stories)

Twilight's Student:
Minimum Acceptable Word Count: 2,452/10,000 (updated nightly)
Editors Done: 0/3