Story Notes: 3 AM · 4:02am Jul 1st, 2022
Another entry into the Car Wash series, this one was inspired entirely by a comment by KeeganFirecloak on Every Breath You Take.
Another entry into the Car Wash series, this one was inspired entirely by a comment by KeeganFirecloak on Every Breath You Take.
There's not much to really say about this one. 1,000 word stories are as short as this site allows, and while I can (and have!) gone into more words than that on the Mustang II, I don't think many folks here are reading this because they want to know all about unloved '70s cars.
Or at least a six second nonspeaking cameo in a short cartoon.
For those who don't look at Equestria Daily very often, this may have flown under your radar. Let's fix that:
I especially appreciate comic and show Moondancer interacting. Space is warped, time is bendable, and ponies are adorable.
I suppose it's no secret that while G4 hooked me on ponies, G3 and G1 won me over too. Well, Minty is a personal favorite of mine (again, probably obvious from how many of my stories she's played a part in ) so this post is basically a head's up to the Minty fans out there who don't already know about it.
I can't post this as a story, since it's only 222 words long. But I thought it might be amusing just to take a look. Last I checked there was no rule against it. If there is, let me know.
Pinkie Pie happily hopped in place at Ponyville train station waiting for the train to arrive. Pinkie Pie wished her other friends were there, they always did everything together, even it didn't always make sense, like Applejack's apple tree delivery!
11am EST, 10 CST, 9 MST, 8 PST, etc. Please be sure to pass this along in case anyone who watches the show on Discovery Family (or any of the streams, I would assume) won't miss the first half. Also, I'm not sure what time it's on, but A Very Minty Christmas will be airing tonight, if you've never seen it you scrubs.
So basically we have a Minty cameo in the newest comic (full symbol cutie mark, colors and everything -- well except for the G3 muzzle)
Of course... you know this only increases my hunger for G3 crossover and Minty
Yes, today really is my birthday. I wasn't really planning on writing anything for the occasion, but the idea popped into my head a few minutes after midnight. I finished it up after I woke up. Another self-insert for the Car Wash series.
Read By TheFanficFanSpooky.
Be sure to like and comment on the video!!!
Overall. A little G3 at yer jamboree
Best lines:
Meanwhile Honeydew Hum had flittered into the basket and was staring at the symbol on Pinkie Pie’s hip. “Balloons! You must be the pilot.”
...I just found out that 'sock' and 'stocking' are both terms for leg coloration patterns on horses.
Over the past few days, I had worked on a My Little Pony Fanfic involving Christmas. The fanfic involves
-A nod towards the My Little Pony G3 special: A Very Minty Christmas
-Will star Starlight Glimmer, though others will have a focus
-Besides Starlight, other G4 characters like Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash will make an appearance
-Will also feature G5 characters like Pipp Petals and Zipp Storm. The third one is a mystery
So I devoured a purple unicorn today. And you can too! Rita's Italian Ice just introduced a new flavor called 'unicorn' so I had to try it. It's supposedly a blend of strawberry & cotton candy, and it's pretty good. It's not going to knock Swedish Fish out of my top spot, but it's certainly worth having again.
Executive Producer
Associate Producer
Director of Photography
Art Director
Editorial Supervision
Assistant Director
Unit Production Manager
My copy of Lyra and Bonbon and the Mares from S.M.I.L.E. has yet to arrive. I can only assume that Princess Twilight is still processing the Freedom of Information request. As the gears of Equestrian bureaucracy (and the USPS) turn, I’ll move up what would have been next week’s card blog.
Hear me out. This story would still be in the Equestria Girls universe and it would primarily take place with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but I've been thinking about including a couple of characters no one probably thinks about anymore.
Ponyville's Incident by BrutalWeather
This is completely reminiscent of Final Destination film series and it made me ROFL so hard to see so many artifacts destroyed by just a football. Applejack, you're in a lot of trouble.
Children of the Night by Duo Cartoonist