Help me find an editor · 5:05am Dec 15th, 2015
Hey everyone would any of you know any good editors or are editors yourselves i could use some help on my stories as im not very good with punctuation my grammer is fine its the punctuation that hates me i put it in the wrong places or i forget it so please help me anyone.
Thank you so much for adding my story to your favorites! I hope you enjoy it and look forward to the final chapters coming out!
thanks for the fave
Thank you for reading my story!
Thanks for the favs on Do Not Go Gentle and Death Be Not Proud!
(I hope you enjoy the conclusion of the trilogy!)
Hello, I apologize for the late reply. But I have to ask who MC and SC are also I love the red changeling queen story so funny at times and then selene and the zebra thinking they had the other in their control was hilarious all on its own.
I'm fine with either theme doesn't matter with me, and I will if I find any typos. Also again sorry bad with grammar much better with spelling