• Member Since 12th May, 2015
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The oracle

I am the oracle. I seek to tell you a story. Will you come sit and listen?

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Question · 8:24pm Aug 18th, 2017

I have a question. When school starts, I'll only really have time to work on one story right then. So, I want to ask is, which one do you guys want most?

Report The oracle · 566 views ·
Comments ( 154 )
  • Viewing 150 - 154 of 154

I saw something called 'Vengeful Armour' but I got an error when I tried to look at it.

Hallo oracle I'm slash the assassin alias oculous the hunter I seek to find smolder silverstream Luna cadence ember rainbow dash spoiled rich silver spoon and the 3 Las pegasus showmares my benefactor viggo Grimborn a dragon hunter Chief wants these mare's for his life size solid gold game set of Maces and Talons

HI, still any news for my request?.

If that the case, I'll wait until then. But could you do a scene sample?. Like the changeling cover Spike and Scootaloo with the special cream?.

Not well so far. Started school, so that's been taking up my time.

  • Viewing 150 - 154 of 154
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