In this group you find all stories who influence the MLP seasons right from the start. Which means another character is getting mixed up in the Nightmare Moon incident and influences the events from there on.
It doesn't matter if the character is an OC, a human or a background character. It is only important that the character appears not later than the first episode of MLP. So characters can appear in Equestria before said events and even be a part of Ponyville before Season 1 starts.
To bring order into this we will use four categories:
The 7th Element - A seventh Element appears
The Supporter - A new character supports the Elements in their adventures
The Changed Bearer - One or more Elements are replaced by other characters
Gender Swap - All gender swapped versions of the Element Bearers
Other than that it is important to be polite, just like in other groups. We don't have to make life hard for each other. Critique is always something that should be welcome as long as it is reasonable and not outright insulting.
So with that said let's collect the stories for this group out there!