The Game Theorists 75 members · 1 stories

Hello Internet, welcome to Game Theory.

My name is Margopolo, who is substituting for MatPat right now, here to tell you that this is the official group for The Game Theorists. Here, we are going to keep you updated on any Livestreams that MatPat will be doing, or new videos that he will upload. We DO have a few rules though.

1. No hating any users. Criticism for MatPats videos should not draw any attention.

2. The obvious. Follow Fimfiction rules, and we'll be fine here.

3. First offenses will lead to warnings. Then, one day bans, one week bans, a month ban, then a permaban.

4. Have fun, and also be sure to post your theories in the forum too!

Comments ( 7 )
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If anyone asks the Zelda story thing was a MISSCLICK

Um... Why am I admin???

Has anyone seen the NEW intro!?:pinkiegasp:

You can do any theories.

4. Have fun, and also be sure to post your theories in the forum too!

So, would that mean video game theories, pony theories, or both? Whatever the answer, I'm all game for it (no pun intended :twilightblush:)

It's fantastic that this group was made! :twilightsmile: I'm so glad it's here.

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