• Member Since 14th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen January 28th


Be sure to check out some of my other stories on Fanfiction.net. Account name: Gordon Ramses.

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It is finally here · 10:35pm Aug 31st, 2016

The story I talked about is finally here! It's a RWBY fanfiction. Here is the link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12127500/1/Tenders-of-Remnant. I hope you all enjoy this little non-related pony story of mine. I put a lot of work into it!

Report SolidArc5542 · 462 views ·
Comments ( 144 )
  • Viewing 140 - 144 of 144

continue commander thorn in equestria

and you shall remain trapped within forever more, an unending nightmare where you will never find the outcome of poor Gehrman's tale.

The night, and the dream, were long.

Are you going to update commander thorn in equestria soon?

  • Viewing 140 - 144 of 144
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