• Member Since 20th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 18th, 2023


Comments ( 14 )
  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14

Thanks for the Fave!

Thanks for watching me!

Wow, that sounds wrong.

Thank you for the favorite and the watch!

Thank you for the FAV and for following me I hope you enjoy the time I will write on my work. If that made any sense to you that is so thanks again:pinkiehappy:

Okay, suddenly I get several notifications. So, let's deal with them in order.
1. Thanks for the cryptical comment on Guilt of a Phantom. :twilightsmile:
2. Thank you for the fav on Guilt of a Phantom. :pinkiehappy:
3. Thank you for the stalk. :rainbowwild:

  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14
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