Writing Contests 46 members · 2 stories

Welcome to the Writing Contests group! :pinkiehappy:

Current Contest

You can find judging rules here.

Once a contest is started up, I will create a folder for your stories. Once you're finished writing, place your story in the appropriate folder.

Make sure you read these rules BEFORE adding your story to this group:

.No mature stories, please. This group is welcome for all ages.

.Make sure your story has something to do with the current prompt.

.The length of the stories must be 1,000-20,000 words.

.No swearing. Once again, all ages should feel welcomed here.

.No hating on other's stories that are added here. If you don't like the story and think it has no chance of winning, keep it to yourself.

.No threads such as:

"Do you have an idea for a story I could write?"

"Can someone make this into a fanfiction?"

"I need more followers!"

"Can someone be my editor?"

The threads on this group are strictly for contest rules only.

Well, as cliché as it is: Make sure to have fun, love, and tolerate! :derpytongue2:

Comments ( 5 )
  • Viewing 1 - 5 of 5

Hi, students! I have read many essaypro.com reddit so far, and the majority of them were positive. I guess I'll entrust some of my assignments and grades to them. Can anyone tell if it is right or wrong? Why?

I gave you a shout-out on Weekly Contests.:heart:

This could be good for training purposes.. So I joined.. however, not gonna be in the first contest now,
but (depending on the prompt), and if I have time, I might join the next one. :twilightsmile:

Yay! Another contest group!

  • Viewing 1 - 5 of 5