• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen June 5th


In reading, keep an open mind. In writing, have fun with words.


Lend Me Your World | Update #2 · 11:48pm Aug 17th, 2019

I'm still working on the story! I apologize for making everyone wait so long, especially on a cliffhanger. After getting through the minor health stuff I mentioned in my last post, it's been difficult getting back through. My anxiety flares up bad if I wait too long to work on a story. But I am chipping away at the next chapter. I had to rework a lot of parts I thought would be easier to get through. Once I slog past that slump, I'm hoping I can type away on the fun parts. Hopefully I can make

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Report Superdale33 · 776 views · Story: Lend Me Your World · #Apology #update

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Comments ( 75 )
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You wouldn't happen to be out of your slump yet would ya pal? I mean I'm not necessarily in any position to be asking either that for sure but still, was just wondering if you'd had any luck with Friendship's Turmoil

2373275 Oh, I'm still writing, just not a lot of MLP stuff. It doesn't help that I have to be in the right "mood" to write. And I refuse to write chapter to chapter. I feel like writing the whole story first and foremost is better. Kind of reflective of real books. Thanks for asking!

evening fine sir, just wanted to ask a question, have you still been writing? are you merely taking a hiatus on it or have you quit? just wondering.:twilightsmile:

Oh and might I say your story Lost and Fallen is by far one of the greatest stories I have read in a long time

Good Day Sir
G Freeman

  • Viewing 71 - 75 of 75
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