• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen June 5th


In reading, keep an open mind. In writing, have fun with words.

More Blog Posts39

  • 276 weeks
    Lend Me Your World | Update #2

    I'm still working on the story! I apologize for making everyone wait so long, especially on a cliffhanger. After getting through the minor health stuff I mentioned in my last post, it's been difficult getting back through. My anxiety flares up bad if I wait too long to work on a story. But I am chipping away at the next chapter. I had to rework a lot of parts I thought would be easier to get

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    4 comments · 787 views
  • 283 weeks
    Lend Me Your World | Update #1

    Hey, everyone. Due to some minor health issues, this story will be taking a momentary hiatus. I want to emphasis that cause I don't want anyone to think that the story won't get an update for months. I don't want to give excuses besides the fact I can't type as well right now. I've tried on and off for weeks, and what little I did eventually get looked bad to me. This is why I hadn't

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    2 comments · 508 views
  • 298 weeks
    Important Update: Rewrite and Cancellation

    If you haven't seen the few comments I left, then this may come off as sudden. It's been several years since I updated this story, and I still feel guilty for not finishing it. But getting straight to the point, this story is officially cancelled, HOWEVER I already have a rewrite for this story in the works. Several things are changing, and I'll layout the important parts the best I can. I

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    3 comments · 1,029 views
  • 444 weeks
    Thoughts & Commentary on "Shift in Spectrum"

    First things first, super big thanks to my editor and proofreader, JoshuaGrahamPony, for helping me immensely in crafting the story. Having a second opinion to spark discussion over small details is always valued and I'm glad he helped me in that regard.

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    2 comments · 827 views
  • 480 weeks
    Unfortunately on Hiatus

    I really hate to say it, but until further notice, Kingdom Hearts: Friendship's Turmoil will be on hiatus. :ajsleepy:

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    7 comments · 784 views

Lend Me Your World | Update #2 · 11:48pm Aug 17th, 2019

I'm still working on the story! I apologize for making everyone wait so long, especially on a cliffhanger. After getting through the minor health stuff I mentioned in my last post, it's been difficult getting back through. My anxiety flares up bad if I wait too long to work on a story. But I am chipping away at the next chapter. I had to rework a lot of parts I thought would be easier to get through. Once I slog past that slump, I'm hoping I can type away on the fun parts. Hopefully I can make it two or three chapters to make it up to everyone.

Thanks for your patience!

Report Superdale33 · 787 views · Story: Lend Me Your World · #Apology #update
Comments ( 4 )

Anything good is worth waiting for, mate. Take your time.

No castle is built in a day, take your time and keep your cool. If you need someone to talk to try a friend and see how they see the story. I know a co-writer or adviser always got me through tough times.

I look forward to the AWESOME. :pinkiehappy:

Oh thank you for this
I thought you cancelled it
You probably don't get this a lot but I actually like your choice of pairing Sora and Sunset as a couple. They actually work really well together when you think about it. I do hope you focus on the fun side with the characters and not so much the dark and emotional stuff since chapter 10 really left me heart broken

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