• Member Since 19th Feb, 2014
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Woohoo fresh books! · 3:22pm May 10th, 2017

It's finally here people, the moment I have been waiting for since I got the mailing yesterday.

Click to see!

Report Silentwoodfire · 547 views · #Books #buks #bewks #BOOKS!
Comments ( 274 )
  • Viewing 270 - 274 of 274

Thank you for tracking my silly story. :twilightsmile:

Sounds good to me. Can never have too much reading material

Good to see you watching JTHW. posting in seasonal formal so expect mainline chapters to return in August. For now, I do have some special events planned in celebrating reaching the halfway point of the story. Intermission posts will go up at the end of this month, followed by a celebration in July. Catch up while you can.

Also, while SWWC is labeled a sequel, reading it won't spoil anything from JTHW. It mostly covers what happening in the present day while Twilight is trapped in the past.

Many thanks for adding my story to your library! I hope you enjoy it!

  • Viewing 270 - 274 of 274
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