If you are on this page, it is probably because you have read or are interested in reading A Trusted Friend in Science and Ponies, my first and, so far, only story. I have dedicated over a year of my life writing this. And why? Well, it all goes back to my early days of watching the show back in the spring of 2012, well after the fandom had already taken off. And I soon got into reading fanfiction. I also played Portal and Portal 2 shortly after this, and It's safe to say that I immediately developed an obsession for GLaDOS.
Better Living Through Science and Ponies was the second fanfic I have ever read (the first being the amazingly epic It's a Dangerous Business Going Out Your Front Door) I, being the naive newcomer we all once were, was BLOWN AWAY by this story's wildly outlandish concept: Portal? And Ponies? Together??? Well, I'm over it by now, since it's kind of my life at this point.
Of course, the thing about the story that stood out the most about was its open ending. "SHE'S STILL ALIVE??? WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? TELL ME! TELL ME! TELL MEEEEEE!"
Well, it soon became apparent to me that a sequel was probably not going to happen, but then I thought: I can make it happen. And, well… why not? The fic was in desperate need of a sequel, and I really, really, really wanted to see what happened next. I felt that something this awesome did not deserve to be left… unfinished. So, I decided to write this as a dedication of love to the original work.
I soon realized that the original story was a part of a much bigger story, since it continues from Portal 1 and 2 like a saga, as mine continues from this. And, I saw that there was something very important in the original that was barely touched upon, but bothers me the more I think about it: what the hell happened to GLaDOS? How did she become so shamelessly and despicably evil once again after everything that happened to her in Portal 2?
At the end of Portal 2, it was very evident that GLaDOS was well aware of her sins and had become a better person by understanding her past. And she realized that the person she wanted to kill was someone who she actually really cared about. So, in Better Living Through Science and Ponies, all that positive character growth she went through just seemed like it was… well, deleted. But to be honest, I didn't feel that her descent back into villainy was given sufficient explanation or justice.
So, this entire story is loving dedication to her as I unravel the mystery and tragedy of how she became such a terrible monster once again. Like Portal 2 is to the original Portal, I take the world that was created in Better Living Through Science and Ponies and expand upon it, getting more into deeper explanations and emotions. A consequence of this is that the tone of the story is much darker, but hopefully, this will make the ending pay off.
Am I Pen Stroke? No. Does my writing talent compare to his? Nowhere close. But, I can, at the very least, attempt to deliver something worthy of the original, Of course, only you can be the judge of that. And, well, you'll have to wait until I'm finished, because there is still I lot I have to say.
I found you because you were the editor of a fic called Fallen Unicorns by Flyer. That was one of the very first fanfics I ever read on this site all these years ago. 7 to be exact. Flyer hasn't been on in 4 years and the story is still incomplete. I know that 7 years is a very long time but do you know how that story was going to go/end?
Damn, it's been awhile. I remember seeing you on all the forums when I was more frequent. Hope everything is going well with you!
I hope you're doing okay. Take care of yourself.
Hope you’re doing okay. It’s been a while since anyone’s heard anything from ya. Stay safe.
Are you still alive? I haven't read the story yet, but I am already looking forward to it despite its hiatus tag.