• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen July 6th

Fluid Apple

I have a Master's degree in brony culture studies!


Page Stuff · 6:00am Apr 7th, 2017

I keep forgetting that I can write what I want whenever I want. I might write something soon, but idk when...or what it will be about...

Report Fluid Apple · 405 views · #story #my page

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Thanks for favoriting Did Anyone Notice? Deuces!

Winkdude, eh? Well... you won't want Miss Ice Cold to wink at you from either end. You can trust me on that.

Thanks for the fave.

Hey there. I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to read my work. I genuinely appreciate it, and I'm delighted with the fave. Hope to see you around my way again. :twilightsmile:

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