• Member Since 24th Mar, 2018
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Davis Collus

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The Filly Catalogue - The End is Neigh? · 5:40pm May 25th, 2023

I've been thinking a lot recently on how I want to continue The Filly Catalogue. Do I wanna keep it open and just add a new random foal every few months/years, or do I want to bring it to an end? I was planning on doing a full rewrite of the story, using only the main plot points and characters in the story, but another part of me is thinking of just ending it as is, write a few chapters and then say goodbye to it and just write new stories when I get an idea in my head.

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Report Davis Collus · 447 views · Story: The Filly Catalogue · #Dark #Foalcon
Comments ( 15 )
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Well, my man, you have intrigued me. Greatly.

To you take requests

pm me, yes. but might not respond till tomorrow. It's almost 1am and I'm tired :P

Should I put my idea(s) here, or in PMs?

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